2 min read

2022 Digital Trends Guide to Growing Brands Online [Whitepaper]

Discover the 20 digital trends to know and leverage in 2022, including brand messaging, web and eCommerce, design and marketing!

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The “Digital Trends Guide to Growing Brands Online” documents 20 trends digital experts and brands alike should watch and leverage this year.

From authentic messaging to kinetic typography and emerging social media platforms, read on to discover the tactics, technologies, and best practices to grow your brand online.

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Digital Trends Guide To Growing Brands Online

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and start growing your brand online!

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Read on for more information about the whitepaper:

The “Digital Trends Guide to Growing Brands Online” categorizes the trends into five categories:

  • Brand Messaging
  • Web & eCommerce
  • Digital & Web Design
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media

Digital Silk experts introduce each trend with relevant industry insights, examples and applications to help you identify those that are most likely to benefit your brand.

Digital Silk experts, including website and marketing specialists, identifie the trends you will discover in this guide.

We have used our in-house data, research, past reports, and expert observations to filter the top trends to watch as well as provide actionable insights for brands to leverage.

Find the full list of contributors on page 42.

Digital Trends Guide To Growing Brands Online

Download the free Digital Trends Guide now
and start growing your brand online!

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About Digital Silk

Digital Silk is a full-service web design agency focused on Growing Brands Online. ​​

We partner with our clients to drive:​

  • Greater brand awareness
  • Higher onsite conversions ​
  • Brand loyalty​

Specific expertise includes:​


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